Cultural Impact Vs. Cultural Fit as the Barometer for Change Hiring

Angela Solomon • September 9, 2019

As diversity and inclusion initiatives are evolving, so are the ways in which we examine best approaches and the steps that need to be taken. As a recruiter, I hear it day in and day out as I send diverse candidate hopefuls for interviews: "he/she is not a cultural fit within our organization". I have written countless times that cultural fit has become suspect and code for bias. "Culture Fit" is a detriment to the progressive development of creating diverse, welcoming workplaces. Human Resource departments and even the recruiting industry—who naturally follow the trends of their clients—continuously complain about the lack of qualified, diverse talent. But the premise by which they judge whose in and whose not is the fundamental problem. 

I strongly believe that as we continue the conversation, companies must take into account the importance of hiring for cultural 'impact' and not 'fit'. The impact that cultural diversity brings to the table cannot be denied. But it's how companies choose to invite, try to understand and accept cultures deemed other that could have the greatest effect on D&I forward movement.

According to an article Forget Cultural Fit and Look for Cultural Impact, Chris Carosella states "that every person you hire can profoundly impact your company's culture. As you grow your team, remember that directly related experience is often not the best way to predict success. Consider instead a candidate's potential to impact the culture--and the business." Cultural fit remains a hinderance to creating diversity among plenty of companies’ leadership and teams. According to Harvard Business School, recent studies show 'fit' essentially thwarts customer engagement, company market value and overall profitability. 

Rethinking hiring practices is definitely in order to provide advances on the diversity front. We must think beyond our tunnel vision fit and see how qualified, diverse talent can strongly impact company's internal company culture. As long as the candidate's essential values align with the core of your company's messaging, then find ways to make it work and also question in thorough ways why it is not working. Maybe the problem isn’t with the candidate, but with with your company culture. Every great leader considers potential problems from not one perspective but many, and it’s important to consider that the problem might be with you, not the other. 

So, how can your next diverse hire create strong impact and contribute to the overall betterment of your firm? This is a question hiring managers, HR and recruiters like myself must ask ourselves. Do they pull at the heartstrings of the 'what can be' within your firm? Do they add another dimension to your product which may be unseen? Do they add refreshing perspective to old, stodgy ideas that have been in play forever? The answers to these questions lie within redefining how we go about sourcing, interviewing and hiring diverse talent. 'Fitting in' is not all it’s cracked up to be. It is impact that brings an explosion of diverse ideas, backgrounds and people together.

We are better together!

I AM someone who sees incredible potential in places most  people don't think to look. As an owner of a diversity staffing boutique, my team and I walk alongside our Clients in creating professional environments that are truly for ALL. I believe in our interconnectedness as a human race and strive every day to use my gifts to empower the workplace’s invisible and powerless. I rarely bet on certainty and always root for the underdog because, after all, those are the best stories to tell.

Hi there! Thanks for reading! Follow Angela Solomon on her social profiles! | LinkedIn: /ASolomonRecruits | Facebook: @ASolomonRecruits | Instagram: @A.SolomonRecruits | Twitter: @AS_Recruits | Pinterest: @AS_Recruits 

By Angela Solomon October 10, 2024
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By Angela Solomon September 26, 2024
As a career coach and self-proclaimed lifelong learner, I’m always telling my clients, “If you’re not growing, you’re going stale—and let’s face it, nobody likes stale bread.” In today’s fast-changing workforce, it’s not enough to just show up anymore. Success now means adapting, learning, and constantly evolving with the world around you. The DNA of today’s working professional is in constant motion, and if you’re still running on yesterday’s playbook, you might just miss out on what’s ahead. Today’s workforce looks nothing like it did a decade ago. Tech is transforming every industry, and there’s a bigger focus on values like flexibility, inclusivity, and personal growth. People want more from their careers—they want purpose, not just a paycheck. The DNA of today’s working professional is all about adaptability, self-motivation, and being comfortable with change. So, let’s dive into how today’s professional DNA stacks up against the past: 1. Adaptability vs. Stability Today : Flexibility is everything. Whether it’s technology, business practices, or job roles, change is constant. Professionals need to be able to pivot and pick up new skills quickly. If you're not evolving, you're likely being left behind. Yesterday : Stability was the goal. You stayed in one job or industry, building deep expertise in a specific area. Specialization was the key to success, and change was something you tried to avoid. 2. Continuous Learning vs. Credential-Driven Success Today : Learning never stops. Whether it’s through online courses, certifications, or simply staying on top of industry trends, professionals are expected to keep their skills fresh. It's not just about what you learned in school—it's about what you keep learning. Yesterday : A degree, especially from a well-known school, was often enough to get you through your career. Once you had the right credentials, continuous learning wasn’t a huge focus. 3. Agility in Technology vs. Traditional Tools Today : Being tech-savvy isn’t optional. From automation to collaboration tools, technology is part of almost every job. You’ve got to be able to use these tools to stay relevant. Yesterday : Tools like spreadsheets and email were enough for most roles. Technology was there, but it wasn’t deeply integrated into non-tech jobs the way it is today. 4. Values-Driven Work vs. Hierarchical Loyalty Today : People want purpose, not just a paycheck. Employees are looking for work that aligns with their values, and companies that support things like work-life balance and mental health. It’s not just about loyalty anymore—it’s about feeling good about where you work. Yesterday : Loyalty to a company was a major factor. You worked hard, stayed loyal, and didn’t necessarily expect the company to care about your personal values. The focus was on putting in the time and doing the work. 5. Diversity & Inclusion as a Key Focus vs. Homogeneous Workplaces Today : Diversity and inclusion aren’t just nice to have—they’re essential. Today’s professionals expect their workplaces to reflect a wide range of perspectives, genders, and experiences. Everyone wants to feel seen and valued. Yesterday : Diversity wasn’t as much of a priority. Many workplaces were homogenous, and inclusion wasn’t discussed the way it is today. 6. Agile Leadership vs. Command-and-Control Management Today : Leadership is about collaboration and empathy. Today’s leaders are facilitators, mentors, and motivators. They encourage open communication and care about the people, not just the tasks. Yesterday : Leadership was more about control. It was top-down, with leaders making decisions and everyone else following orders. The focus was on managing tasks, not people. 7. Freelancing & Flexibility vs. Full-Time, Traditional Employment Today : Flexibility is the name of the game. Freelancing, contracting, and remote work are all becoming more popular as professionals look for control over their schedules and projects. Yesterday : Full-time employment with a single company was the norm. People worked their way up the corporate ladder and stuck around for the long haul. 8. Networking & Personal Branding vs. Quiet Expertise Today : Building a personal brand is important. It’s not enough to do great work—you need to make sure people know you’re doing great work. Networking on platforms like LinkedIn has become a key part of staying visible in your industry. Yesterday : You could quietly focus on your expertise. Long-term relationships and internal company networks were often enough to advance your career. 9. Emphasis on Soft Skills vs. Technical Mastery Alone Today : Emotional intelligence, communication, and collaboration are highly valued. You’ve got to be able to work well with others and adapt to different working styles. Yesterday : Technical skills were often enough to get by. Soft skills mattered, but they didn’t get the same level of attention as they do now. 10. Entrepreneurial Mindset vs. Following the Corporate Playbook Today : Whether or not you’re starting your own business, having an entrepreneurial mindset can make a difference. Professionals today take ownership of their work, innovate, and even pursue side projects. Yesterday : Following the established corporate path was expected. You worked your way up within existing structures, and entrepreneurship was considered a more niche career path. The DNA of today’s working professional is all about adaptability, purpose, and continuous growth. In contrast, yesterday’s professional valued stability, loyalty, and expertise in a more rigid structure. The modern professional thrives in a world that’s always changing, where technology and values shape careers as much as hard skills. Whether you’re freelancing, leading a team, or climbing the corporate ladder, the message is clear: if you’re not learning and evolving, you’re getting left behind. I empower the Invisible. I ignite Success. As a Black woman, small business owner, and advocate for inclusion, I’ve built my career around seeing potential where others may overlook. Through my staffing boutique and professional development/coaching service, I focus on creating real opportunities for marginalized communities, including women, LGBTQ+, neurodiverse, disabled, and veteran professionals. I root for the underdog because they have the best stories to tell—and the most untapped potential.  #CareerGrowth #AdaptabilityMatters #LifelongLearning #ProfessionalDNA #ThriveAtWork #FutureOfWork #EvolveOrFade #InclusiveWorkplace #LeadershipEvolution #TechSavvySkills
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